Saturday, 13 October 2012

Our Secret Weapons

Well, the Accent cogs are turning ever so slightly faster every day with an anticipation of what's to come.

Looking back to last year, all
of sudden we had parties coming out of our ears. I am sure the residents of Yorkshire conspired and decided they all wanted a party in the same 4 weeks which meant being out every night socialising, sorry, I meant working - poor us!

We now have 5 ladies working with us who are a great extension of who Accent Jewellery is. The main this is that they love the items they sell!

So, as much as we are ready and raring to go, once again, I am sure the whole of Yorkshire will awake once more around the middle of November and decide they'd like an Accent Jewellery party, which is great - we now have our 5 secret weapons!!

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